You, the Creator

When you were born into this lifetime, you came in with certain numbers in your chart. These numbers were set at birth. I am often asked whether this circumstance means that our lives are fated to certain events. The clearest explanation that I have found compares your numbers to the physical body. When you were born, your body contained a set DNA. You have a certain color of hair and a set color of your eyes. You had the potential for a certain size. Some people are short, some are tall. Some have a tendency toward obesity; others seem to never gain. these physical traits give each of us our possibilities and limitations. We have free will in using what is given to us, but as was stated by the Christ, "which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature."

You are fated to deal with these limitations. How well you use what has been given to you will determine the productiveness of your life. The choice of the use is with you. You can understand that the energies to which you naturally respond will set certain limitations and direct you into certain activities.

When you are considering the establishment of a business you become the creator. Through the choice of the business name and the founding date you set the numbers for this new entity, which is your business. It has a life of its own apart from you, but not disengaged from you. The initial choices that you make will affect the business for as long as it exists. In creating this entity, you want to be sure that the business energies are compatible with your own personal energies. If you set up conflicts you will never be in tune with the business and could burn out quickly. If you are not comfortable with the energies to which the business is tuned you will soon begin to dread going to work.

Don't think that by bringing to the business energies that are lacking in your own life that you will enhance that number in yourself. You are just setting up the battleground.
When you have free choice to create your new business entity, the temptation is to set numbers that will bring in a lot of money fast. That view can be very short-sighted. When counseling clients on the set-up of a business, I want to know what they expect that business to provide to them. Is it strictly to make money? Or do they want to find personal satisfaction in what they are doing? Do they want to be admired for their work, or are they willing to work in obscurity as long as they are benefiting society? By being the creator, you can make those choices.

Going back to the original analogy, if you don't like the color of your hair, you can dye it. If you don't like the color of your eyes you can change it with colored contacts. If you don't like your physique, you can build up your body at the gym. These modification must be done with a degree of care. If you dye your hair to a color that does not suit your skin tone, you may ruin the unity of your look.

In determining your business numbers it is even more important to maintain the unity with your own numbers. In this regard, for you to be successful in your business, it must be an extension of who you are. Why create unnecessary challenges for yourself? I don't believe that you are that masochistic.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
Daniel R. Hardt Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Publishing House
Life Path Business Services

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