Flying by the Numbers on Auto-Pilot

The first step in learning to read was to know the alphabet. You began to distinguish between the vowels and the consonants. Then you learned how to construct a sentence, and to put the sentences into appropriate paragraphs to convey your intended meaning. At the start you struggled to remember the rules of grammar and the proper spellings. It took a considerable amount of time to finally put your thoughts unto paper in a way that conveyed your ideas to a reader.

When you first learned to drive a car, you probably held tightly to the steering wheel for fear that you would not stay in your lane. You had to concentrate upon each step. In Driver's Education (at least back when I was 15) we were instructed to check the mirrors, check the seat adjustment and to be sure the windows were cleared. The check list continued with the need to select the proper gear, to release the clutch gradually and to move ahead only after being sure that traffic was cleared. There were so many details to keep in mind that we despaired over remembering them all.

When you first begin to use numerology in your business or for your personal life, you have similar rules to learn and to remember. You first need to understand the meanings of the numbers. You learn to do the calculations, and determine what each position of the number means. This is your check list.

Just as with the examples of reading or driving, as you practice numerology, you can learn to do these basics without a lot of thought. You begin to know that the personal years follow a progression of 9 year cycles. If you are in a 1 personal year, you know that next year will be a 2 personal year, which will be followed by the 3 year, and so forth. When you become tuned in to this cycle, you begin to plan your activities accordingly, perhaps even subconsciously.

I am completing a 4 personal year. I knew coming into this year that it would be a hard working, frustrating year. I was not disappointed. But I also knew that by this point I would begin to feel the coming energy of the 5 personal year when everything would burst into golden opportunity. Knowing this cycle helped me to handle the challenges better. I knew how long they would continue and when to expect a change. I no longer have to stop and think about the timing. It has become an integral part of my thinking.

I know that I have a 4 Life Path. My lesson is to learn to be organized and persistent. I have a 9 Integrative Vision number, so I know that instinctively I am going to be service oriented. As I go through my entire chart, it is a familiar map of my life. I no longer need to redo this information on a daily basis. I find myself where I need to be when I need to be there. I am not constantly paddling against the stream to accomplish what would better be done at another time. The conscious initial attention to the numbers allows me now to go on auto-pilot.

You may not want to get this deeply engrossed in numerology, but even the simple idea of the personal year cycles will give you a clearer understanding of the flow in your life. Whatever year you are in now, remembering back 9 years, you will have a clue as to how the current energy affects you. This article is being written as 2003 is ending. Do you remember December of 1994? Look back over this year and compare it to events that you experienced in 1994. As we enter 2004 you will gain a clue of what to expect by your activities in 1995. Those of you who keep a diary will have an easier time of this reflection than those of us who must rely upon memory. The experiences won't necessarily be the same, but they will be of a similar nature.

If you do not know the numbers of your personal chart or the chart of your business, You can get a full chart of your numbers by sending an e-mail request. Include your FULL birth name, the name you go by now and your date of birth. For a business chart include the founding date and the full business name. This chart will be sent by reply e-mail. The chart is simply the results of the calculations and does not include an explanation of the numbers. For that you need a report or a reading.

Get your complimentary chart now

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt


Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Publishing House
Life Path Business Services


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