Chart Compatibility: A strong bond

This article continues the comparison of your personal chart with the chart of your business.

The life path number is the strongest of the exterior numbers derived from the birth date of the individual or the founding date of the business. It discloses the purpose of the individual in this life time or the purpose the business is to fulfill.

The Expression number is the sum of all the letter values of the name. It is the strongest of the interior numbers. It shows the talents and abilities that are available to the person or business to fulfill the purpose.

The relationship between the life path number of one chart to the expression number of the other chart becomes a strong element of the comparison. If the expression of one is the same as the life path of the other, the bond is solidly cemented. The purpose of one is the talent of the other. As a result, a working relationship is established that enhances both the business and the individual.

Unless the business chart has been set up with a knowledge of numerology, it is only by coincidence that this situation arises. A more likely scenario is that the expressions and life paths will have some divergence. As in any delineation, remember that adjacent numbers tend to be in conflict. Conflicting numbers can create a dissonance that will require accommodation.

Often, there will be a conflict within a single chart. At times, it may be desirable to give each side of the conflict its appropriate time and place. In other instances, you may find a way to blend them.

Even with the most thorough delineation, it will be impossible to develop a perfect chart. Changing one element will cause changes in other areas of the chart. Look for the most workable numbers when setting up your business.

When you have other principles or major players in the business, the coordination becomes complex, but worth the effort to establish the strongest interaction of the numbers. The numbers established at the start of the business will set the patterns for the life of the business. You want to be sure that the core numbers and the cycles are workable for both you and the business for a long time to come.

With the establishment of the numbers, you have the basis for your long term as well as the short term planning. You can proceed with confidence.

© 2006 Daniel R. Hardt

"We train the professionals"

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
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"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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