Number Considerations in a Business Start-Up

Many people who first stumble across numerology will study just enough to run a few calculations and feel assured that they are gaining the benefit of this tool. In some ways this piecemeal approach from an insufficient chart is a disservice both to the individual and to the profession. Without looking to the full chart of either the business or the person, a false confidence is generated.

When a matter is important enough to rely upon the numbers, the full integration of the numbers is necessary. The chart is a whole fabric. A modification in one area, such as changing a letter in the name has ramifications in the other areas of the chart.

Perhaps the greatest disservice occurs when someone starting a business strives to create a business name and start date that gives an abundance of 8 energy in order to bring in money. An over emphasis upon a single energy throws the chart out of balance and creates unforeseen challenges. If the owner of the business does not have corresponding energies, that person may be setting up an unintentional conflict that will create a burdensome situation. The strong 8 energy may then bring in financial challenges instead of monetary gain.

Obviously, the most solid base requires a matching of the full charts of the business and the key people involved. The fees of a professional numerologist for this service will reflect the time and expertise required for a thorough job. A proper start-up can be the difference between the success or floundering of the business. Because the start-up numbers have long-term effects on the business, using the services of a professional numerologist is a good investment.

Most people who are starting a business do not have the capital funding to cover all the necessary up-front costs. They are eager to put their dream out to the world. Often they will cut corners in professional services, such as an accountant, lawyer or numerologist. They are not aware of the pitfalls that competent advice can avoid.

I am often asked to just run the numbers on a list of names that the entrepreneur thinks might be suitable. Without integrating the name choice into the whole picture, the numbers of the name alone are meaningless. It would be like a heart surgeon who focused solely on the condition of the heart in considering surgery without determining that the patient had an embolism that could prove to be fatal under the anesthetic, or even that the patient could be allergic to the anesthetic.

Numerology can help to establish your business on a sound footing, but only if the numbers are complete. I would rather that you did not consider the numbers at all than to be mislead by a distorted use.

© 2007 Daniel R. Hardt

"We train the professionals"

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site http://www.lifepathnum.com
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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