Expanding Knowledge

Anyone who studies deeply into a subject, at some point outgrows the limits of previous knowledge. When such an event occurs, the student is faced with a dilemma. The choices are to fully embrace the new insights or to shut them out as being too disruptive to present practices. You cannot passionately pursue any subject without attracting new information in the field. Through the Law of Attraction, you will draw greater insights into your sphere.

In the USA the standard for the practice of numerology is the Pythagorean method. Almost all the literature follows this system. The early pioneers in this country, such as Juno Jordan and Florence Campbell taught it. This system has served me well with modifications from my personal insights.

During the past decade, I have had a sense that the layout of the letters by numbering from 1 through 9 through the alphabet was too simplistic. I could find no logical or scientific base for this layout.

I recently have been studying the Chaldean method. For many years I ignored this method. The information was not readily accessible. Numerologists seemed to be unanimous in their acceptance of the Pythagorean method, and I was misguided into believing that the Chaldean System was only appropriate for the Eastern languages, Part of the reason for this belief was that Pythagoras studied in the Fertile Crescent and in Egypt, and may have gone as far east as India. My assumption was that he knew the Chaldean Method as well as the Vedic System and the Cabbala. He was also an initiate into the Egyptian Mystery Schools. So surely any system that Pythagoras would have developed would be a synthesis of his broad knowledge.

Since Pythagoras did not allow his students to take note, any information of his method was handed down orally, and only put into written form much after his death. There is a suspicion that the system that now bears his name was developed by a disciple and would not have been approved by the master.

I have run the numbers for my own chart and the charts of close friends to compare the 2 systems. In all instances, the feedback was in favor of the Chaldean number layout. As a result, I will be switching over both in my readings and in my teaching.

The number layout in the Chaldean System is as follows"

1= A, I, J, Q, Y
2= B, K, R
3= C, G, L, S
4= D, M, T
5= E, H, N, X
6= U, V, W
7= O, Z
8= F, P

No letters are given the value of 9.

I invite those of you who are numerologists to run your own chart both ways and compare for accuracy. Let me know what you think.

© 2007 Daniel R. Hardt

"We train the professionals"

Life Path Numerology Center
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Web site http://www.lifepathnum.com 
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