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Everything You want to Know About Numerology
But were afraid to ask
Here are the answers to the most frequently
asked questions about numerology. Of course, we can only touch the surface
of the subject here. If your question is not covered, don't be afraid -
What is Numerology?
- It is a metaphysical science, which
designates with numbers the surrounding energies to which the individual
responds. Each number has a distinctive nature. By calculating the
personal energies of the individual from the name and birth date, a
competent numerologist can gain a clear profile of the individual.
With numerology, the nature of each year, month, and day can be
determined...past, present, or future.
Is it something new?
- Numerology has provided an
understanding of life for thousands of years. The origin is lost in
prehistory. Pythagoras (c. 600 B.C.), a Greek mathematician, is
considered the father of modern numerology. Evidence of
numerology is seen in the Judeo-Christian Bible. Have you ever wondered
about the significance of repeated numbers... 40 days and nights of rain,
40 years in the wilderness, 40 days of fasting, 400 years in Egypt? 12
tribes of Israel, 12 apostles? The ancient Jews had the Kabala, based on
a number system.
Is it Fate?
- Numerology shows the pattern of your life as determined at birth. Each
individual has free will to make the choice to follow or oppose this
pattern. Numerology is like a road map. It shows the smoothest or most
direct route to your destination. You may choose to take a scenic detour
or seek a totally different destination. There is no right or wrong in
your choice. But if you want to fulfill the purpose set for your life in
the easiest and most successful manner, numerology is a reliable guide.
Can I believe in the Bible and use Numerology?
Numerology is a tool to understand
your life on the physical plane. It does not compel you to do anything,
nor does it change natural law. In the Middle Ages, people were taught
that it was wrong to study the human body. Such study was thought to
invade the province of God. We now readily accept the desirability of
diagnosing illness to enhance the life of the individual. We do not
question a map for exploring new territory or when taking a journey. Why
should it be different for the life journey? God has given us intelligence
and He expects us to use it.
Is it practical to rely on Numerology for success?
Numerology is accurate to the
degree of expertise of your numerologist. You will make more productive
decisions with knowledge of your path. You can avoid dead ends and wasted
effort. You will understand why circumstances surround you and how best
to deal with difficulties. Numerology does not relieve you of the need to
think and to decide. You still need to plan and to work.
How will Numerology affect my relationships?
You will gain an increased
understanding of the motivations and the emotions of others. You will
likely be more tolerant as you realize that everything that feels personal
is not necessarily directed at you. You will know yourself better, which
will free you to accept others more easily. You will see improvements in
your intimate and family relationships as you learn the reactions to
expect at any given time. You will know your own needs, as well as the
needs of your partner, and will work more effectively toward fulfillment.
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